
Johnny Borrell was an obnoxious rock star

Razorlight are currently on hiatus, but front-man Johnny Borrell has admitted he could be "obnoxious" during the band’s earlier years.

Johnny Borrell was obnoxious during his time in Razorlight.

The indie group are currently on hiatus, and the front-man admitted he sometimes tried too hard to embrace the stereotypical image of what a rock star should be.

Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph newspaper’s Seven magazine, e said: "I guess I was constantly attempting to be what I thought I should be doing in that scenario.

"To be fair, I’m sure there were times when I was obnoxious. But that’s rock ‘n’ roll, you know?"

The star realised later it wasn’t a lifestyle he could adopt for as long as he first thought, despite trying to make the most of it at the time.

He added: "The thing that was difficult that I really didn’t work out was, OK, I’ve been working all my life in music, trying to make something happen.

"And [now] something’s moving, it’s all great and, yeah, for six months I’m gonna have a good time – I’m gonna just go for it. I’m gonna see where that gets me, if I do whatever I wanna do – I’ll do the drugs and I’ll do the girls.

"But I think you can’t really do that for longer than about six months. Otherwise you’re Motley Crue. But people really liked that character."