
Icona Pop can’t wait to release album

Icona Pop feel like they’ve "been in labour" for four years with their self-titled debut album.

Icona Pop feel like they’ve "been in labour" for four years with their album.

The pop duo have had a huge hit across the world with ‘I Love It’, but promise spending so long writing their self-titled debut means it has plenty of variety and different types of song on it.

Singer Caroline Hjelt told The Sun newspaper: "We’ve been in labour with this album for four years and our little pop baby is finally coming out.

"It’s not going to be 14 tracks sounding like ‘I love It’ because that would be boring. There are so slow and emotional songs, some punkier, a wide mix."

Caroline formed the band with Aino Jawo in 2009, and can’t imagine spending time apart from her because of all they have been through together.

She added: "There have been times when it’s been hard when stuff hasn’t gone our way, and you’re like, ‘S**t, how are we going to get up again?’

"It’s after those times that you get even closer. and more sure of how right this is. It’s such a luxury to be able to do this with your best friend.

"I never thought I’d be able to hang out with so much with a person without fighting or getting tired of it.

"At the most we are apart from each other for two days and then I miss her like crazy. I can’t imagine doing this on my own."

‘Icona Pop’ is available in some territories already, and will be released in the UK this summer.