
Deap Vally empowered by sexuality

Deap Vally see their sexuality as part of their empowerment, and insist they present a positive image to female fans.

Deap Vally see their sexuality as part of their empowerment.

The ‘Gonna Make My Own Money’ duo’s debut album, ‘Sistrionix’, contains a series of positive tracks aimed at empowering female fans, including one track called ‘Walk of Shame’, about not being upset by having one night stands.

Drummer Julie Edwards explained: "We wanted to turn the shame upside down. We see our sexuality as part of the empowerment, so rather than being in denial of that, we embrace it."

Guitarist and singer Lindsey Troy added to NME magazine: "We own our sexuality, we’re not a product that was created by guys." The pair initially attracted criticism for their sexy and provocative image, but they don’t let other people’ opinions bother them. Lindsey explained: "People assume we’re products of men or that we’re insecure because we dress a certain way, there are journalists who are like, ‘They’re just trying to appeal to male fantasy’. We’re just making our fantasy. Deap Vally’s our fantasy."

‘Sistrionix’ is out on Monday (24.06.13).