
Prince Charles praises soldiers’ fighting spirit

Britain’s Prince Charles praised the ”fighting spirit” of the nation’s soldiers yesterday (06.06.13) while bestowing new colors on the Mercian Regiment in Worcester, south west England.

Britain’s Prince Charles praised the ”fighting spirit” of the nation’s soldiers yesterday (06.06.13).

The Prince of Wales – who is Colonel in Chief of the armed forces – took time to pay tribute to the troops’ ”courage” as he bestowed new colors on the Mercian Regiment in Worcester, south west England, during a ceremony at the city’s Sixways Stadium.

In an address to the regiment, as well as soldiers and families and friends in attendance, he said: ”The last few years have seen tremendous courage, professionalism and sacrifice on a whole succession of operations and great patience, support and resilience from their families who have seen them sent into harm’s way.”

Charles said the colors represented ”the heritage, fighting spirit and soul of the regiment” and spoke of the challenges they face when they return to Afghanistan next year.

The presentation, which saw the old colors removed and destined for Worcester Cathedral, marked the first time the regiment had been given new colors in its current state since combining with older regiments in 2007.

Private Alex Mullin, who was on parade yesterday, told the Worcester News: ”We don’t get to do this very often. It is good to do it in Worcester for friends and