
Helena Bonham Carter feels guilty for leaving kids

Helena Bonham Carter feels "suffocated by guilt" when she’s away from her children for more than two weeks.

Helena Bonham Carter feels "suffocated by guilt" when she’s away from her kids.

‘The Lone Ranger’ actress refuses to film on location for more than two weeks at a time because she hates being away from Billy, nine, and five-year-old Nell, her children with director partner Tim Burton.

She told the UK edition of Vogue magazine: "Since I had Bill that has been the maximum amount of time I’ve been away. Just long enough to catch up on some sleep but not too long that I miss them and get suffocated by guilt."

The 47-year-old star splits parenting duties with Tim, 54, who says Helena can be "insecure" about being a working mother, but insists it’s important for her to strike a balance.

He said: "Like every mother, she can get insecure about not doing enough or being there enough. But I tell her that work is what feeds a person, that it’s important to be creative."

The ‘Les Miserables’ star now feels being a parent is her main occupation and doesn’t feel pressure to care as much about her acting although, ironically, she feels her acting skills have got better as a result of letting go.

She added: "It’s not my sole purpose so there’s less pressure on it, which, of course, means I do it better. But I also find it’s less important to me now whether I’m crap or good. I take myself so much less seriously than I used to. I used to be so self-critical it was painful."