
Hugh Jackman: New x-Men like The Avengers

Hugh Jackman has revealed that ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ will be like epic superhero movie ‘The Avengers’.

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ will be like ‘The Avengers’.

Hugh Jackman is set to reprise his role as Wolverine in Bryan Singer’s ambitious movie – which will unite the A-list casts of the original ‘X-Men’ trilogy and 2011 prequel ‘X-Men: First Class’ in a time-bending plot – and he thinks it will be just as grand as Joss Whedon’s hit superhero team-up movie.

The actor initially wasn’t sure he’d be involved in the flick but after being a sent a copy of the synopsis, he immediately jumped on board.

He said: "I thought, ‘I wonder if they’ll want me to cameo again?’ [After reading the synopsis] I was like, ‘Okay, this is a slam-dunk idea.’ I think this will be, for ‘X-Men’, like ‘The Avengers’."

However, Jackman – who had just finished filming Wolverine spin-off movie ‘The Wolverine’ – admits he was less than excited about having to extend his gruelling training regime and strict diet for the movie.

He added: "I was a little frustrated because I was nearing the end of a 12-to-18 month physical odyssey and getting ready to have Christmas off – and lasagnes. And I’m, unfortunately, not as young as I was so I have to start [my diet] earlier and go for longer. So I was like, ‘Okay, we gotta keep going.’

"But I’m really excited about it. I never thought in a million years I would play one character in seven movies."

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ is due for release in 2014.

‘The Wolverine’ is set to hit cinemas in July.