
Liam Gallager loves Lionel Richie’s Hello

Liam Gallagher loves Lionel Richie’s ‘Hello’ so much, he would choose the track to take with him on a desert island.

Liam Gallagher could listen to ‘Hello’ by Lionel Richie on repeat.

The ‘Flick of the Finger’ singer said if he was stuck on desert island with only one record he’d choose the smooth R&B vocalist’s classic 1984 single, particularly for its irony towards the imaginary scenario.

Speaking to Music Unlimited, the music streaming service from Sony Entertainment Network, Liam said: "Lionel Richie, is it me you’re looking for? ‘Hello’ Do you not get it?"

While he may like easy listening at home, Liam’s band Beady Eye’s latest album, ‘BE’ is anything but, after the introduction of experimental producer Dave Sitek.

The 40-year-old rocker credits the musician for helping the band break boundaries and exploring unseen places.

Liam added: "Dave got involved and it all went a bit cosmic, we got that s**t in us and he sorta just championed it. He’s a good producer; a good producer for me is someone that doesn’t just soft talk the band and tell them what they want to hear.

"We’re the musicians, we make the records and there’s certain places we can’t go, and he went there."