
Nymphomaniac Shia LaBeouf gets porn star double

Shia LaBeouf and Uma Thurman will have porn star doubles in Lars von Trier’s graphic new sex drama ‘Nymphomaniac’.

Shia LaBeouf will have a porn star body double in ‘Nymphomaniac’.

The raunchy Lars Von Trier-directed drama – which stars the ‘Transformers’ actor and Uma Thurman – will feature graphic sex scenes, but the film’s producer has confirmed the famous faces won’t be doing the deed on camera.

Instead, pornographic actors will be used for the provocative scenes with the actors’ faces superimposed onto their bodies in post-production.

Producer Louise Vesth told The Hollywood Reporter: "We shot the actors pretending to have sex and then had the body doubles, who really did have sex, and in post we will digital-impose the two. So above the waist it will be the star and the below the waist it will be the doubles."

Despite its salacious nature, ‘Nymphomaniac’ – which is designed as a two-part film – isn’t all about sex, insists the producer.

She added: "Lars has thrown everything in this one. It’s about religion, about God, about philosophy."

LaBeouf previously claimed that the movie would feature himself and the rest of the cast – which also includes Stellan Skarsgard and Charlotte Gainsbourg – "doing it for real".

He said: "Anything that is ‘illegal’ will be shot in blurred images. It’s going to be a wild movie, man. It’s going to be a wild movie."