
Beyonce treats crew to champagne party

Beyonce splashed out $26,400 on alcohol for her crew and backing dancers on Sunday night (05.05.13) to thank them for all their hard work during her six London concerts.

Beyonce treated her crew to a $26,400 party to thank them for their hard work during her London concerts.

The 31-year-old singer splashed out on alcohol aplenty for her backing dancers at the Champagne bar at the Andaz Hotel in Liverpool Street, east London, on Sunday night (05.05.13), following the conclusion of her sixth show at The O2.

A source said: "Beyonce wanted to say thanks to all of the backing dancers, crew and everyone else involved with putting on the six shows.

"Between the lot of them they managed to drink their way through more than $26,400-worth of booze in just a few hours.

"They got stuck in as they knew they had a few days off afterwards. They were still in there at closing time at 4am."

Despite the big night out, Beyonce still has gigs to play on her ‘Mrs. Carter Show World Tour’ including the last of three dates in Manchester, North West England, tonight (05.09.13) and another show in London on June 1, but she was keen to let her crew indulge after the "pressure" of preparing for her London concerts.

The source added to The Sun newspaper: "They are only part-way through her ‘Mrs. Carter’ tour, but the pressure was on in London and she was chuffed they all helped her put on a good show."