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John Galliano’s class dropped from Parsons School

John Galliano’s ‘Show Me Emotion’ workshop has been dropped by Parsons The New School for Design after they were unable to reach an agreement ahead of the classes.

John Galliano’s workshop at Parsons The New School for Design has been cancelled.

The shamed designer – who was forced out of his role as creative director for Christian Dior after footage of him making racist and anti-Semitic comments emerged online – was set to lead a three-day course titled ‘Show Me Emotion’ at the New York institute, but an email sent to students states Galliano refused to compromise with the requests made by the teaching facility.

In the email, obtained by website Fashionista, Parsons writes: "It was a condition of our agreeing to host Mr. Galliano that we also hold a larger forum, which would include a frank discussion of his career. Ultimately, an agreement could not be reached with Mr. Galliano regarding the details of that forum, and so the program will not move forward."

This news comes shortly after it was announced an anonymous poll, now holding over 2,000 signatures, was started to ban him from teaching.

It reads: "It doesn’t matter if it’s for three months or three days, hiring someone who has made such horrific comments shows that the school values Galliano over their entire Jewish student body.

"It shows they value him over their students’ respect, peace of mind, and heritage. It is disgraceful to hire someone who has made such inhumane comments."

Galliano’s course was previously described as "a dynamic and intimate opportunity for students to learn from an immensely talented designer [and] engage in a frank conversation with Mr. Galliano about the challenges and complications of leading a design house in the 21st century."