
The Netherlands’ Queen Beatrix abdicates

The Netherlands’ Queen Beatrix handed over the throne to her son Prince Willem-Alexander during a short ceremony on Tuesday morning (30.04.13).

The Netherlands’ Queen Beatrix has officially abdicated.

The 75-year-old royal signed an instrument of abdication in Amsterdam this morning (30.04.13), giving her son Prince Willem-Alexander the full rights to the Dutch throne.

During a short ceremony in the Royal Palace, the well-liked monarch – who has ruled for 33 years – signed a statement which read: ”I now withdraw from my office of Queen of the Netherlands, and the monarchy will now be transferred to my eldest son, Willem-Alexander.”

The crowds – clad in orange, the official colour of the royal House of Oranje-Nassau – were out in force to witness the historic takeover, and a huge cheer erupted as they watched from giant screens in Dam Square.

New king Willem-Alexander and his wife Maxima – a 41-year-old Argentine-born investment banker – also signed the abdication deed before the trio emerged on a balcony above the Square.

They held hands as the national anthem blared and then the new King and his Queen Consort brought their three young daughters to greet the crowds. The eldest, Catharina-Amalia, has become Princess of Orange and is now first in line to the throne.

An emotional queen, now Princess Beatrix, announced: ”I am happy and grateful to introduce to you your new king, Willem-Alexander.”

Willem-Alexander will be officially sworn at the Nieuwe Kerk later, followed by a joint session of the Dutch parliament.

Around a million visitors are expected in Amsterdam, with a week of street parties and festivities ahead.