
Ke$ha: Let’s make 2013 the year of the animal

Ke$ha has once again shown her support for animal rights by starring in a brand new video for the Humane Society of the United States and has urged her fans to stand up for the animal kingdom.

Ke$ha wants to make 2013 the "year of the animal".

The outspoken pop star has teamed up with the Humane Society of the United States to ask her fans to campaign to for the passing of important legal bills to prevent cruelty to some of her favourite furry and feathered friends – including dogs, horses, chimpanzees and hens.

Speaking in a promotional video for the organisation, Ke$ha pleaded: "Now is the time to make animal protection a top priority. This year law makers will consider bills that are critical to animal protection.

"One will crack down on people who attend and bring children to dog fights and cock fights. Others include phasing out the use of chimps in invasive experiments, addressing the criminal abuse of ten walking horses, and improving the treatment of egg laying hens.

"I care about animals and I know you do too. Please join me and tell your congressman to pass these very important animal protection bills. Let’s make 2013 the year of the animal."

The ‘C’Mon’ singer became the first ever global ambassador for the Humane Society in 2011.

The 26-year-old star memorably shot a shocking video calling for an end to the slaying of baby seals at the hands of Canadian fishermen.

Ke$ha also featured in a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) campaign to bring attention to the annual slaughter of the marine mammals on the ice floes of Canada for their pelts.