
Duchess delights young fan

The Duchess of Cambridge has delighted a young fan by replying to her letter, written to express her disappointment after not being able to see the royal during her trip to Grimsby in March.

The Duchess of Cambridge delighted a young fan by replying to her letter.

The British royal took time out to personally respond to Isabella Clarkson, 10, who was left disappointed she couldn’t catch a glimpse of her during a visit to Grimsby, East England, on March 5.

The young girl’s letter explained how she, her sister Alice, eight, and brother Reuben, four, went to Havelock Academy to see Duchess Catherine, but the bad weather and huge crowd meant they only saw her hand waving from a car.

Telling the Grimsby Telegraph of her experience, she said: ”We were so excited but we hardly saw anything at all.

”I’d spent ages making a glittery banner to hold the night before, but I don’t think she saw it.

Alice added: ”It was freezing and all we saw was the car and her hand. We were waving flags and singing the national anthem to keep warm.”

The Duchess composed her reply under personal instruction.

Part of it reads: ”The Duchess of Cambridge was sorry to hear you and your school friends were unable to see her when she visited Lincolnshire but Her Royal Highness had a wonderful day and gratefully appreciated the warm reception Grimsby gave her.

”The Duchess of Cambridge was immensely touched that you should take the trouble to write as you did. It really was most thoughtful of you and Her Royal Highness has asked me to send you her warmest thanks and best wishes.”

Isabella says she will now frame the letter and accompanying photograph of the Duchess and put them on her wall.

Her mother, Jackie, 47, said: ”It’s a lovely thing for her to keep and look back on in the future, especially as Catherine will be queen one day.”