
Prince Charles and William to tackle poaching

Prince Charles and Prince William will tackle the illegal poaching of animals by holding a conference for politicians and activists at St. James’ Palace in May.

Britain’s Prince Charles and Prince William will tackle illegal poaching of animals.

The royals will come together with conservationists and politicians at St. James’ Palace in London to help devise a solution to put an end to the barbaric practice.

Charles, who is a staunch campaigner for the protection of wildlife, told activists at London’s Kew Gardens yesterday: ”One area that is of particular concern to both my sons and myself is the whole question of the illegal poaching of wildlife and its subsequent trade, which, I’m sure you will all know far better than I, has reached a dangerous crisis point and has profound consequences for crucial habitats and eco-systems on which we all depend.

”So I have asked my International Sustainability Unit to look at this issue and I will host an international gathering together with my eldest son in May when, I hope, we might just be able to help in the process of looking for solutions to this seemingly intractable problem.”

Like his father, Prince William, 30, also supports wildlife preservation and is the royal patron of conservation charity Tusk Trust.

Earlier this month, William – who is expecting his first child with wife Duchess Catherine – pleaded with global leaders to put an end to the poaching of African elephants and rhinos in a recorded message at a conference in Thailand.