
Prince Harry set for new US tour

Prince Harry is set for another official tour of the US, where he will promote the rehabilitation of injured troops, from May 9 to 15.

Prince Harry will undertake an official tour of the US in May.

The British royal – who has completed two tours of duty as a soldier in Afghanistan – will visit Washington DC, Denver, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut as part of the official trip, where he will promote the rehabilitation of injured US and UK troops.

The prince’s private secretary, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, explained: ”Prince Harry wants to highlight once again the extraordinary commitment and sacrifice of our injured servicemen and women – our wounded warriors.

”Although a prince, Harry is also an operational soldier – indeed he’s a soldier’s soldier – therefore throughout this briefing the recurring theme is to help recognize and bring a spotlight on to the work being done to help these outstanding young men and women.”

As part of his itinerary during the May 9 to 15 trip, Harry will watch the Warrior Games, where injured servicemen and women compete, in Colorado Springs. On his last official visit to America a year previously, he attended a reception and met teams of British and American veteran athletes from the last Warrior Games.

Harry’s trip will also see him meet survivors of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey and represent his other charity interests, including holding a fundraising Polo Cup in Connecticut in aid of his African-based charity, Sentebale, which supports vulnerable children in Lesotho. He will also represent the UK government’s GREAT campaign – which raises awareness and promotes the UK’s strengths in English, education and culture – during his trip.