
Bullet for My Valentine’s angry album

Bullet for My Valentine’s ‘Temper Temper’ is the "angriest" record they have made, and they sound heavier than ever on it because they have slowed their tracks down.

Bullet for My Valentine’s ‘Temper Temper’ is the "angriest" record they have made.

The Welsh heavy metal titans claim their fourth album "naturally" became their most aggressive to date when it came to penning the lyrics.

Singer Matt Tuck told "It’s a very angry record. Lyrically, it’s definitely the angriest and most real stuff I’ve ever written about.

"I wasn’t aware of what I was writing, but it almost came out like a concept record. All of the album is coming from that emotion. ‘Breaking Point’ says it all really."

He also explained how slowing down the band’s songs only served to make them even heavier.

Matt added: "That was the main point in slowing it down. It wasn’t to make the album more accessible, it was to make it heavier, bigger, and fatter. It was a conscious effort that definitely paid off. For us, the longer we’ve lived with it, it gets better and better. As we’ve been in rehearsals for three weeks now, it makes the experience of playing the songs far more enjoyable as well. Everything’s a bit thrash-y and quick, which is great live. We’re seeing the benefit of slowing things down in the bigger picture."

‘Temper Temper’ is out now.