
Prince Harry offered free Vegas trip

Britain’s Prince Harry has been offered a free Las Vegas trip by Steve Wynn, owner of the Encore hotel where the royal played strip billiards last summer.

Britain’s Prince Harry has been offered a free Las Vegas trip.

The 28-year-old prince caused controversy after pictures emerged of him partying and playing strip billiards in the US city last August and has reportedly been given an open invitation to return to the gambling capital by hotel mogul Steve Wynn, who owns the Encore where Harry stayed on his last trip.

A source said: ”Steve has some sympathy for Harry.

”For years his high rollers have partied here without any news getting out.

”It was most unusual that Harry was caught and bad news that it was with his pants down.

”So he’s been offered a free suite and extra security to cover any more embarrassments.

”Steve just asks that Harry behaves himself.”

Harry’s friends are said to be particularly excited by the invitation and are encouraging him to take up the offer.

The source added to Now magazine online: ”All Harry’s army mates want in on this trip, as well as many American marines he befriended in Afghanistan.

”His last trip was dubbed ‘The Hangover’. Those in the know are calling this ‘The Hangover 2’.”

Discussing his antics recently, Harry admitted he had let people down.

He said: ”I probably let myself down, I let my family down, I let other people down.

”But at the end of the day I was in a private area and there should be a certain amount of privacy that one should expect.

”Back home all my close friends rallied round me and were great.

”It was probably a classic example of me you know probably being too much army and not enough prince. It’s a simple case of that.”