
Barbra Streisand: Ladies shouldn’t look for love

Barbra Streisand says single women shouldn’t actively seek romance and should wait for love to find them.

Barbra Streisand doesn’t think women should search for a man.

The ‘Guilt Trip’ actress – who is married to actor James Brolin – found love with her husband of 15 years when she stopped looking for romance and she believes single ladies should let matters of the heart happen naturally.

In an interview with The Independent newspaper, she explained: "They shouldn’t look. I wasn’t looking when I first met my now husband. Sometimes love comes when you don’t try so hard. I think that’s what happened with us, too."

The 70-year-old actress – who was previously married to actor Elliot Gould, with whom she has one son, Jason – recalls being nervous about meeting her current husband on a blind date but they quickly hit it off.

She said: "I was editing my last movie when I was supposed to meet Jim on a blind date thing. I had a night shift because I like to work into the wee small hours of the night, and I said to my editors, ‘Stay here, I’m just going into town for a dinner party and then I’ll come back and work.’

"I think Jim had the same feeling before he met me, like, ‘Oh my god, what am I doing?’ But we got along great and talked about architecture and relationships. He said, ‘I’m going to take you home’ and I said, ‘I have to go back to work’. ‘No’, he says, ‘I’m going to take you home’. And that was it."