Entertainment News

Burning Man: A look back at a muddy disaster!

Thousands of festival-goers finally left the site of the Burning Man Festival in the Nevada desert, after spending several days stuck in the mud left by the torrential rains that hit the region a few days earlier.

Once a year, tens of thousands of people gather in Black Rock City, the temporary metropolis created for the festival, and the 2023 edition was no exception.

Over 73,000 people were present in the desert as the festival, scheduled to run from Sunday August 27 to Monday September 4, was abruptly halted midway through!


The situation quickly became complicated when torrential rains fell on Friday evening, leaving an impressive amount of mud on the entire festival site, making it impossible to evacuate thousands of recreational vehicles, which were stranded for several days.

Celebrities also found themselves stuck in the mud. Diplo and Chris Rock, in particular, were evacuated by fans after walking more than 8 km!


As more than 60,000 people rushed to the exit in their vehicles, when evacuations were finally authorized, the majority found themselves stuck again, this time in a line that lasted more than 7 hours, and kept getting longer, so much so that the organizers of the disastrous event begged them to stay an extra day to give everyone time to get out.

A Burning Man edition that will certainly be hard to forget for many!