
Sharon Osbourne bans candles from home

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne have banned all candles from their home after it nearly went up in flames last month.

Sharon Osbourne has banned candles from her home.

The Beverly Hills mansion where Sharon lives with her ‘Crazy Train’ rocker husband Ozzy Osbourne nearly went up in flames last month after they went to sleep with candles burning and they will no longer allow open flames at their home after the scare.

Sharon told TMZ: "No more candles. Only in church!"

Before the fire brigade came, the couple made an initial attempt to extinguish the blaze themselves leaving Ozzy injured.

Sharon previously explained how Ozzy – who had surgery on his hand the previous day – tried to use the cast on his arm to help put out the fire, adding: "I go into the kitchen to get water and throw the water on it, with the doors open and the water it erupted! It erupted, Ozzy’s hair from here to here, gone.

"And we are like two idiots, it was like The Three Stooges. Everything you are not meant to do – go to bed with candles alight, open the doors and put water on – we did it all."

She also told how she only knew what was happening when their dogs started barking.

She said: "My eyes are stinging and my throat’s closing up something weird smelling in here, then my dogs started to bark, so I go out of the bedroom, I go downstairs and the whole living room – the candle had burst and the cracking sound was the glass in the candle exploding."