
Light exercise after a high-fat meal may protect your heart

(Relaxnews) – According to a very small new study from Japan, the best way to polish off a high-fat meal is to exercise, such as by taking a walk, shortly afterward.

Light exercise, especially after meals, may prevent triglyceride levels from becoming elevated, researchers say.

"High triglyceride levels can put individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and other heart-related conditions," says lead researcher Wataru Aoi of Kyoto Prefectural University in Kyoto, Japan. "Regular exercise is a good way to keep triglycerides from becoming elevated, and the results of this study may help individuals manage their triglyceride levels more effectively by considering the timing."

Findings showed that walking and light resistant training one hour after a fatty meal reduced the boost in triglycerides, or fats in the blood, that normally occurs after eating a high-fat meal. Exercising post-meal was also found to reduce elevations in triglyceride levels more than exercising before the meal.

Researchers measured triglyceride levels in 10 men and women after they had eaten a fatty meal consisting of about 38 percent fat.

The study is published in the February issue of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.