
Duchess Catherine’s royal engagements

Britain’s Duchess of Cambridge carried out over 100 engagements in her first full year as royal, which included 36 overseas visits and trips.

Britain’s Duchess of Cambridge carried out over 100 engagements in her first full year as royal.

Duchess Catherine – who married future king Prince William last April – underwent 111 trips and visits in 2012 with 36 of them being overseas.

In 2011, when the duchess – who is currently expecting the couple’s first child – spent seven months carrying out official duties following her wedding, she undertook 34 engagements in total.

The Duke of Edinburgh also increased his workload in 2012 despite the 91-year-old prince experiencing health problems in the past 12 months.

He attended over 340 engagements in 2012, up from 330 in 2011 even though he was admitted to hospital twice with a bladder infection.

Prince William carried out 88 engagements last year on top of his full-time job as an RAF helicopter pilot, while Prince Harry – who is currently serving on the frontline in Afghanistan – undertook 61 official engagements.

According to The Times newspaper, Queen Elizabeth carried out 425 engagements in 2012, all of them in the UK, more than the 370 engagements that she carried out in 2011.

But it was Prince Charles who was the hardest-working royal carrying out 480 UK engagements and 112 overseas engagements.

Princess Anne carried out 485 UK engagements and 81 overseas one, while Prince Andrew carried out 381 engagements in the UK and 55 abroad last year.

The figures are approximate and not verified by Buckingham Palace.