
Three reasons people break their New Year’s fitness resolutions

(Relaxnews) – Nearly two thirds of adults set fitness goals as part of their New Year’s resolutions. But 73 percent abandon those goals without success, often within six weeks or less, according to a new US survey announced Wednesday.

On average, those people who set fitness resolutions say they have tried and failed to achieve those goals around four times in the past. The top three stumbling blocks are difficulty in following a diet or workout regimen (42 percent), difficulty getting back on track once they fall off (38 percent), or inability to find time (36 percent). commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct an online survey of nearly 2,100 adults 18 and over. Of those surveyed, 25 percent said they would post their New Year’s fitness resolution on a social network, with 11 percent saying they would seek advice and support from their social networks. In addition, 32 percent say that following a physically fit friend or family member via their Twitter or Facebook would help them stay motivated.

According to the American College of Sport Medicine in the US, those new to exercise are likely to quite within three to six months.

How to override the trend? The first step is to surround yourself with supportive friends and family, advises the website SheKnows. Then start small: plan short, 10-minute exercise goals. Take is easy, advises WebMD, since injury can derail your best intentions if you take on more than you’re ready for.

SheKnows also advises planning ways to overcome roadblocks, such as finding a gym or fitness class nearby to avoid travel time, or purchase a jogging stroller to exercise with your child in tow. Be sure to add variety to keep it interesting, and don’t beat yourself up if you slip up one day.