
Queen Elizabeth attends cabinet meeting

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has become the first monarch since 1781 to attend a peacetime cabinet meeting in Downing Street yesterday (18.12.12) and she’s welcome back any time.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth is always welcome at cabinet meetings in Downing Street.

The 86-year-old royal became the first monarch since George II in 1781 to attend a peacetime cabinet meeting yesterday (18.12.12), where she took a seat between Prime Minister David Cameron and Foreign Secretary William Hague to listen to the weekly discussion of Government business.

Speaking on ‘The World at One’ program, Communities Secretary Eric Pickles revealed: ”The queen remained silent but clearly taking a keen interest… she did wish us all a merry Christmas.”

He then joked: ”Given that it is her cabinet, she can come any time she wants.”

The queen listened to a debate about the political and military situation in Afghanistan and remained quiet for most of the 45-minute meeting, before telling ministers that the queen’s speech next year should be ”shorter rather than longer”.

She then posed for photos with cabinet members and reportedly made everyone chuckle when the photographer asked if he could continue, and she replied: ”You’ve been very quick, do take some more.”