
Queen Elizabeth attends cabinet meeting

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth attended a cabinet meeting for the first time today (18.12.12) as an observer, where she was presented with a gift which commemorates her Diamond Jubilee year.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth attended a cabinet meeting for the first time today (18.12.12) as an observer.

The 86-year-old royal sat beside the prime minister David Cameron at the weekly meeting in Downing Street, central London and it was the first time a monarch had attended cabinet since Queen Victoria’s reign.

The cabinet presented her with a gift which they have bought to commemorate her Diamond Jubilee year.

Although she was described as an observer, she was expected to speak during the meeting.

While the queen is head of state, her involvement in day-to-day political decisions is largely formal.

The prime minister visits her regularly to update her on events, while she is also expected to rubber-stamp ministerial decisions at meetings of the Privy Council.

BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said yesterday (17.12.12: ”She’s well used to hosting a weekly audience with her prime ministers, David Cameron being her 12th, but has never headed into Downing Street, sat there in the cabinet room and heard her various ministers discuss whatever happens to be in the government’s in-tray that week.

”Tomorrow she will do that for the first time in her 60 years on the throne.”