
Paul Weller destroys own song lyrics

Paul Weller enjoys ripping up and burning his song lyric books every time he finishes recording a new album.

Paul Weller destroys his song lyrics after each album.

The former Jam frontman finds ripping up or burning his lyric books very inspirational because he likes to create a "fresh canvas" every time he finishes recording a new album.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4, Paul said: "I would rip up or burn my books. I’d always have a book of lyrics and once I finished the record, I’d destroy them so they were kind of, that’s it, gone, it’s kind of like the next step, let’s all start again, a fresh canvas."

The singer – known as The Modfather – now regrets his rash creative impulse and believes the books would have fetched him a small fortune at posh London auction house Sotheby’s.

He added: "[They] could go to Sotheby’s or something."

The 54-year-old star recently blasted the trend for old bands to reunite and lamented the lack of originality in today’s music scene.

He moaned: "I come from a time when all the artists I grew up with and I loved always used to try and push the boundaries and there doesn’t seem to be so much of that really. It is the same sort of thing and I find it disappointing."

Paul’s new six track EP, ‘Dragonfly’, is released on December 17 and features songs from the recording sessions of his latest album, ‘Sonik Kicks’.