
Stressed workers say they just aim to show up to work

(Relaxnews) – When faced with mounting pressures at work, stressed-out US workers say their main goal is just showing up, new research says.

A survey from ComPsych Corp., a provider of employee assistance programs, finds that 22 percent of workers said that presenteeism, or just being present at work, is their no. 1 priority, a three-percent rise from last year. The survey involved 1,880 US employees recently responding to questions.

In addition, some 60 percent of responders said they have high levels of stress at work, with another 32 percent saying they have constant but manageable pressure at work. Only five percent reported working in a low-stress atmosphere.

Why all the stress? Mounting workload, according to 40 percent of responders, while another 34 percent blamed the extra strain on difficulties with colleagues.

Other findings showed that high stress levels account for nearly 30 percent of employees’ missing between three and six days of work every year, with 36 percent burning up an hour or more of work productivity every day of being stressed out.

Also 53 percent of responders said they take frequent "stress breaks" to chat with others as a coping mechanism.
