Mode et accessoires

Vivienne Westwood sells Assange t-shirts

Dame Vivienne Westwood has created a T-shirt in support of disgraced WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, which will be sold for £40.

Dame Vivienne Westwood has created a T-shirt in support of Julian Assange.

The designer was pictured wearing the unisex garment on a recent visit to see the WikiLeaks founder at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London – where he is seeking diplomatic asylum to avoid extradition to Sweden – and has revealed the ‘I’m Julian Assange’ T-shirt will be sold on her website for $65.

Vivienne wrote on her blog: "T-shirts for Julian: you can show your support of a real hero by going to Donations to WikiLeaks have been blocked but 100 per cent of T-shirt profits can help fund their work."

The ‘I’m Julian Assange’ Vivienne Westwood T-shirt will go on sale this Saturday (03.11.12).

Vivienne isn’t the only high-profile supporter of Assange.

He was recently visited by Lady Gaga, who

is said to have spent five hours with him, emerging at midnight after the two had shared a meal.

Assange is wanted in Sweden to face questioning over a sexual assault investigation.

He has been living in the Ecuadorian Embassy since June 2012.

British officials say he will be arrested if he steps out of the building.