
Robert Plant records with Primal Scream

Robert Plant has collaborated with Primal Scream on their new album, due to be released in 2013.

Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant has recorded songs with Primal Scream.

The legendary rocker has been in the studio with the band – fronted by Bobby Gillespie – and has confirmed he has contributed vocals for the group’s new album, which is scheduled for release in 2013.

Plant, 64, revealed he accepted Primal Scream’s offer to work with them because their experimental take on classic rock influences inspire him.

Speaking to Mojo magazine, he said: "Everything we did back in those days and everything I have done since has been based on a fresh approach. What’s going on? What can I be as a singer that doesn’t play much That’s how I see everything: what can I be a part of that’s exciting? And if anybody’s got any ideas then I’m always up for it.

"I sang a bit on the Primals stuff because I think their references on looking back on the glorious past and the way they bring them into the contemporary world are fantastic."

Plant – who is involved in a number of musical projects, including Band of Joy and The Sensational Shape Shifters – has worked with Primal Scream before.

He played harmonica on the track ‘The Lord Is My Shotgun’ on the band’s 2002 album ‘Evil Heat’.

Primal Scream’s upcoming LP is being produced by David Holmes and singer Bobby has said the record has parallels with their 2000 album ‘XTRMNTR’.