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Victoria Beckham creates Pudsey Bear

Victoria Beckham is one of 30 designers to have created a special Pudsey Bear, which will be auctioned off for Children In Need next month.

Victoria Beckham has created a special Pudsey Bear for charity Children In Need.

The British designer is one of 30 big names including Prada, Louis Vuitton, Paul Smith and Burberry to partake in the campaign, curated by Love magazine editor Katie Grand.

The bears are to go on display at Selfridges department stores in London and Manchester until November 14 and they will then be auctioned off at Christie’s.

Katie said:" I was honored to curate this fantastic collection, and have had such fun working with the designers on all of their amazing designs.

"BBC Children In Need is an incredibly worthwhile cause, and one which myself and all of the designers involved in the collection are privileged to support."

Selfridges creative director Alannah Weston added the store was glad to take part in such a "creative project".

She said: "Selfridges is delighted to support such a purposeful and creative project. It is wonderful to see such remarkable talent helping this most worth cause."