
Tori Spelling is considering adoption

Tori Spelling has revealed she and her husband Dean McDermott would consider adopting a child in the future, despite already having four kids.

Tori Spelling wants to adopt in the future.

The ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’ actress gave birth to her fourth child Finn on August 30 and while she insists she is done with being pregnant, she hasn’t ruled out expanding her family in other ways.

Tori, 39, said: "I never say never but I think this is our last. I want to focus on the kids I have now and I don’t want to spread myself too thin.

"I’ve had C-sections with each baby. It puts the body through trauma. I don’t think I could do it again.

"[But] I’m all for adoption. It’s such an amazing blessing and we would totally do it.

"My friends adopted my goddaughter Simone who’s two and having seen the process through their eyes, I’m definitely a believer."

Tori would also prefer to adopt from inside the US, unlike numerous other celebrities who give homes to kids from overseas, as she would like to help kids from her own country.

She TV star – who is married to Dean McDermott – told In Touch Weekly magazine: "I think we’d probably try to adopt from the US. I know a lot of people go outside the country and that’s great but there are plenty of kids here that could use our help and support."