
Pet Shop Boys: Music has too much ego

Pet Shop Boys think modern pop music has too much "ego" when it used to be like "poetry".

Pet Shop Boys think modern pop music has too much "ego".

The ‘It’s a Sin’ hitmakers – who formed in 1981 – believe artists used to write "poetry set to music" but current chart acts use their lyrics to act as confessionals about themselves.

Neil Tenant said: "Modern pop is all about me, me, me.

"For our generation, pop music was poetry set to music. For the younger generation, pop is a diary set to much – what you are doing and what you have done. I find it very ego-y."

Despire their huge achievements – including record sales of over 100 million – the duo single out their 2010 Glastonbury set as a career highlight because the huge crowd they drew was so unexpected.

Neil – who is joined in the group by Chris Lowe – told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "We were headlining the Other Stage while Muse were on the main stage. We thought billions would be watching Muse and no one watching us.

"Then we got there and were told the arena was already full. We had 50,000 people watching us and it was an amazing experience. It’s always a good feeling to win over an audience that doesn’t have to be there.

"We never planned it, but there we are headlining rock festivals."