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Kirby Dach: the surgeon operated on condition that he would not return to the game for eight months

On October 17, Canadiens fans were saddened to learn that the season of one of their favorites was over.

Kirby Dach had been injured a few days earlier against his former team and was scheduled for surgery.

The operation is now behind him. 77 is now officially in rehabilitation. We want him to start the 2024-2025 season in top form, which is why the Habs aren’t going to rush him. The main player knows it, the fans know it and the journalists know it too.

What you need to know is that the surgeon who operated on him, Robert Marx, took care of Dach on one condition: he wasn’t to return to the game for another eight months.

That’s what Renaud Lavoie told us.

The reason for this condition is quite simple. Too many times has a player returned to play too quickly after suffering a similar injury, only to re-injure his hip or groin, among other things. Dr Marx wants to avoid another catastrophe for one of his clients.

Eight months brings us to the end of June. And the Stanley Cup Finals are scheduled to begin in June. Barring a miracle, the forward won’t be back in action. Personally, I don’t believe in miracles; I think it’s simply impossible.

The TVA Sports informer disagrees.

According to him, there’s a slim, if not improbable, chance of the center returning to action if his team is in the Association Finals or Stanley Cup Finals. As I said, eight months from now to the end of June. If he comes back before then, he’ll be eight months ahead of Dr. Marx.

And if Montreal reached the finals without Kirby Dach, would it really be necessary to integrate him into the line-up? After all, he’d be back in the line-up after missing the entire 2023-2024 season, and the team would have proven it can win without him…

One thing is certain: he won’t be back soon.

Lavoie said not to jump if you see him on the ice somewhere in February, but that would mean absolutely nothing about a possible return to action.

Dr. Marx is a well-known figure in the New York area, having operated on Christian Dvorak last March. The forward is still not back in action (after a seven-and-a-half-month convalescence), but he’s closer than ever to getting back into action. Dvo is eligible to leave the LTIR on Saturday.

In gusts

– Sean Monahan with a bad attitude? Doubtful.

– Old Habs sightings.

– A real prankster.

– Indeed.

– Lias Andersson wants to protect himself. In fact, in the Pittsburgh Penguins organization, the piece of equipment is now mandatory.

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