
Colin Farrell’s yoga love

Colin Farrell loves to do yoga, something which he admits even surprises him.

Colin Farrell loves yoga.

The 36-year-old actor – who has had trouble with drug and drink addiction in the past – admits he is now a reformed character who loves to exercise and make the most of his life.

He said: "It’s helped to stay away from the cocaine and the whiskey. Life moves in cycles. I’m not going to say there was a particular day or time when things changed, or even that I’m a different man.

"I enjoy the work more. I enjoy being a dad more. I enjoy doing things I never thought I’d enjoy, like yoga!

"Everything’s by design, even if you think it’s not. I can’t say I sat down and said, ‘Right, I am going to reinvest’. I know from talking to some friends and different people that it looks as though I’ve tried to redesign my career but it’s not really like that."

Now, Irish-born Colin listens more to what people have to say more after seven or eight years of "chaos".

He added to the Observer magazine: "I am living with me more now. You can get caught up with everyone patting you on the back, and some people slagging you off. I am not saying I was ignored and that people didn’t answer my phone calls, but it was chaos for seven or eight years."