
Rita Ora: Jay-Z loves my album

Rita Ora is proud her Rock Nation mentor Jay-Z loves her first album.

Rita Ora is proud Jay-Z loves her new album.

The ‘R.I.P.’ singer was nervous about her Roc Nation mentor hearing her finished album for the first time and is delighted he approves.

Rita told MTV News: "He loved it. He looked at me and said, ‘You love it?’ I said ‘I love it’ and he said, ‘Well, I love it too’. "

Despite her first album ‘Ora’ only being released this October, the singer gained notoriety thanks to the promise of all-star collaborations with Drake, and The-Dream, and she now hopes fans will enjoy her "honest" and "real" work.

Rita explained: "It took me two and a half years to finish this album, and I’m just ready for people to hear it.

"It’s a bit scary actually putting this album out. I don’t know what’s going to happen.

"We worked really hard, me and Roc Nation, we are happy to say that we are finally done, and it’s an honest real album, and there’s so many different types of genres on there.

"It’s a very eclectic album."

The 21-year-old hitmaker is constantly compared to Rihanna and although she worries about the pressure of living up to the Roc Nation name, she thinks she’s got what it takes to keep people interested.

Rita revealed: "Automatically being signed to Roc Nation gives you a platform, but it’s all about what you prove.

"No one is going to get up there and sing for you. It’s pressure, but it’s good pressure, it gets people’s attention, but you have to maintain their attention."