
Jeremy Renner is lonely

Jeremy Renner feels lucky that his career is going so well but also says his life is "lonely".

Jeremy Renner is "lonely".

The ‘Bourne Legacy’ star is thrilled by his career success but admits it is tough being away from home for so long and having no one to share his great experiences with.

He said: "I’ve only made it home two weeks in two years.

"I’ve been so lucky – I’ve got to travel to parts of the planet I’d never even heard of. It’s been like the blinders coming off.

"It’s lonely. I’m doing the most amazing things and couldn’t be happier, but I have no one to share with outside of a director or someone I’ve just met. So now I’m back in LA after two years and I’ve just seen my brother and I’m like, ‘Where do I begin?’ "

Jeremy is now planning to take a break to catch up with his loved ones and relax.

He told Britain’s Glamour magazine: "Being focused on my career is important to me. But I’m not so career-orientated I can’t balance things.

"I’ve purposely put my head in a whole and told my agent I need a break. I’ll catch up on some movies, do a bit of reading, mend some friendships, see family and friends I haven’t seen and slowly integrate back into real life."