
The Vaccines go punk rock

The Vaccines’ sound is "more punk rock," on their second album, ‘The Vaccines Come of Age’.

The Vaccines’ sound is "more punk rock," on their second album.

The ‘No Hope’ band have become more confident with their new record, ‘The Vaccines Come of Age’, and are showcasing a harder new sound to reflect it.

Singer Justin Young told The Sun newspaper: "There’s more punk rock on there. On the first record I felt a victim, whereas on this I’m puffing my chest out more. You can hear the saliva in my mouth, [guitarist] Freddie [Cowan’s] fingers on the fret boars and even our mistakes.

"It’s the sound of a band playing to our strengths as a live band. We put on a good show."

The band only released their debut album, ‘What Did You Expect from the Vaccines?’, last year, but drummer Pete Robertson – who completes the group with bassist Arni Arnason – thinks its a good idea for them to keep things fresh.

He said: "It is a rare thing to have a new album ready in such a short time. But it’s how music used to be and how it should be. We’ve written two albums, put out a live album, an EP and two standalone singles in 14 months.

"Waiting longer than that, as many bands do, is no good for the fans and no good for us either. We don’t want to go out and play the same songs to the same people. Then you’re cabaret and the one thing The Vaccines aren’t is a cabaret band."

‘The Vaccines Come of Age’ is released on September 3.