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Natalia Vodianova misses family

Stunning model Natalia Vodianova gets upset when she has to leave her three children to go to work.

Natalia Vodianova gets upset when she has to leave her family to go to work.

The stunning model has three children, Lucas, 10, Neva, six, and four-year-old Viktor, and she admits it’s very hard to say goodbye to them when she has to fly all over the world because of her career.

She said: ”I’m in a constant state of bliss whenever I’m at home with my children. I’m sad when I have to leave them to go travelling for work, but they are so close now, they’re like a little army.”

Natalia also admitted she used to get scared when travelling on her own, especially when it came to flying.

The 30-year-old beauty told Grazia magazine: ”When I first started travelling on my own, hotel rooms gave me the spooks, so I’d always have the lights on. I sometimes have bad thoughts on flights, too. I think about death a lot, but it’s a good thing to embrace. It makes you enjoy every moment.”