
Pink hospitalised

Pink has tweeted a picture of herself hooked up to an IV drip after being hospitalised with stomach flu.

Pink has been hospitalised with stomach flu.

The ‘So What’ singer took herself to a medical centre after falling ill, and tweeted a picture of herself in bed, sipping a drink with an intravenous (IV) drip attached to her arm.

She wrote underneath: "Maybe it’s cause my mum was an Emergency Room nurse all my life – but throw me in a gown and a hook me up to an IV- and I’m a happy girl. Stomach flu sucks but morphine doesn’t (sic)."

After hundreds of people rushed to wish her well, the singer – real name Alecia Moore – gave her thanks, and clarified her previous comment, saying she was joking about the morphine, a strong painkiller commonly used on patients suffering extreme discomfort.

She wrote: "Thanks for all the get well wishes. And no-they don’t give morphine for flu. I might have ulcers again. Because I care too much. It’s a gift."

Pink is not the only pop star to have tweeted from hospital recently, as ‘In Da Club’ rapper tweeted a picture of himself surrounded by cuddly toys – including a giraffe, and elephant and a lion – in a hospital bed, after he too was taken in for treatment for a stomach virus.

Alongside the picture, he tweeted: "I don’t want to go into surgery."

Rihanna has also tweeted a picture of herself hooked up a drip, after she was admitted to a medical facility suffering from fatigue.