
Paris Hilton strikes back at trolls who attack her baby’s appearance

Paris Hilton has spoken out about a painful experience, according to People, fighting hateful online criticism of her baby’s appearance.

Paris Hilton chose to make a statement after receiving several negative comments on social media regarding the appearance of her son Phoenix, after the star posted a photo of him on Instagram.

According to People, Hilton explained that her instincts forced her to confront the online trolls after comments were made about her baby’s head.


The star reportedly answered back to a TikTok user, who was having a little too much fun with little Phoenix’s appearance, shortly after the photo was published:

“There are some sick people in this world. My angel is perfectly healthy. And yes, of course he has been to a doctor, he just has a large brain.”

Paris Hilton also recently announced the arrival of her 2nd child, a daughter named London, somewhat to everyone’s surprise!