
Johnny Marr laments Smiths division

Johnny Marr thinks it is "unfortunate" that The Smiths don’t get along any more and finds it "sad" that their friendship has dwindled away.

Johnny Marr thinks it is "unfortunate" that The Smiths don’t get along any more.

The iconic band – comprising guitarist Johnny, singer Morrissey, bassist Andy Rourke and drummer Mike Joyce – split in 1987 and have had an acrimonious relationship ever since, including two legal battles over royalties, and the musician thinks it is "sad" that their friendship has dwindled away.

He told The A.V. Club: "I don’t think anything was f**ked up. I don’t have that kind of perspective at all. I think it’s sad that four guys who were so tight went through such bitterness…

"I think the only regrettable thing is that as adults, only Andy and myself get together and give each other a hug and make fun of each other and like seeing each other. To be honest, it’s unfortunate that The Smiths don’t have the relationship where they can sit around and even get complaints out, or philosophise. That’s unfortunate for four adults who are always going to have a tie to each other."

Johnny also dismissed suggestions The Smiths – who have been the subject of numerous reunion rumours – would ever be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame because awards are meaningless to him.

Quizzed on the possibility, he said: "Not really, no. I mean, I don’t mean to be ungrateful, and if the opportunity came I would never be ungracious. I hope this doesn’t sound ungracious, but I don’t think awards mean d**k. I’m a musician; I’m not in the television business."