
Iggy Pop compares music to cheap drinks

Iggy Pop compares today’s rock music to "cheap drinks you get in a bad supermarket."

Iggy Pop compares today’s music to "cheap drinks you get in a bad supermarket."

The ‘Lust for Life’ rocker is wary of today’s rock stars, and thinks most modern records are missing integrity and authenticity.

He said: "I think there are some ages like the one we’re living in when the game is kind of rigged toward products that contain music, sort of like those cheap drinks you get in a bad supermarket where it says, ‘Contains 10 per cent juice’.

"There’s a lot of stuff out there with a bit of music to it, and I think that’s O.K., but it reminds me of how bad it was to turn on ‘American Bandstand’ in the 50s and see all the endless, gutless d***less imitations of Elvis that the American industry decided to push on the kids."

The Iggy and the Stooges frontman also told how the happiest time of his life was before he found fame as a singer in the 60s, when he used to listen to Johnny Cash records all night.

He added: "Most of the great listening experiences that I had, I associate with the individual cheap, poor living condition type homes my friends and I had. I would hear a record at someone’s house and now, 50 years later I can still see where I was.

"I’m really well off at this point in my life, but I have never been as happy as I was then, and I think that’s due to just being able to let the feelings come in, the feelings that come with any good music."

Iggy Pop is the ambassador of Record Store Day, which takes place on April 21 and will see a number of bands and artists release special limited edition singles which are only available in specialist music shops.