
Kristin Davis doesn’t know if she will adopt again

Kristin Davis doesn’t know if she will adopt another child because for the time being, she is focused on new daughter Gemma Rose.

Kristin Davis doesn’t know if she will adopt another child.

The 47-year-old actress welcomed daughter Gemma Rose last year, and insists she wants to focus on being a good mother to her before she even considers expanding her family.

She said: "I had never thought about it because I was so kind of worried about the first. Once she came I was like, ‘Hey I can do this, this is okay’. So I mull it over, but because I’m a single mom, I want to focus on her and make sure I’m doing a good job first."

Her ‘Sex and the City’ character Charlotte adopted a little girl called Rose in the long-running series, and Kristen admits she must have subconsciously been thinking about it when she named her own daughter.

She explained: "I had totally forgotten that on ‘Sex and the City’ I also had a child named Rose and since I did this whole thing in secret I didn’t talk to anybody about the naming or the adopting at all and I didn’t realise the connection.

"Then we announced and everybody was like, ‘Oh, she named her after her ‘Sex and The City’ baby. I didn’t even consciously, not at all. I almost named her Rose as a first name because I kept thinking it’s such a beautiful name. Isn’t it weird? I think it was lodged unconsciously."

Despite rumours of a feud between the show’s other stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Catrall and Cynthia Nixon, Kristin insists they are all still good friends.

She told American chat show ‘Anderson’: "We are pretty much family at this point. We have worked together for something really crazy, like 15 years.

"I was here in December, I saw Kim on Broadway. I took my baby and I saw Sarah’s babies. I took my baby and saw Cynthia’s babies. Cynthia’s on Broadway now and I’m going to see her next week. The writers – we all are friends."