
Labirinth’s album is no masterpiece

Labrinth isn’t entirely happy with his debut album ‘Electronic Earth’ but says it is a good start.

Labrinth isn’t completely happy with his debut album.

The ‘Let the Sun Shine’ hitmaker sees the record, ‘Electronic Earth’ – which is scheduled for release on March 12 – as the first steps toward a long career but because he is a perfectionist, he thinks it could have been better.

He told FHM Collections: "I think it’s the beginning of the steps towards where I want to be as an artist and as a producer. I wouldn’t say it’s the masterpiece that I have in my head, because like they say, life is a constant search for improvement. I’m never going to be happy, I’m a perfectionist. When I get a little older, I’m going to be like, ‘Mum, please don’t show anybody these records.’ "

Labrinth took a year between releasing ‘Let The Sun Shine’ and follow-up single ‘Earthquake’ and is pleased his record label Syco continued to have faith in him

He added: "To have a label stick with an artist for a year between singles is insane. I didn’t expect them to do it, but I wanted to make sure the next record I made was worth it.

"If you’ve got talent you know how to bring yourself back. I was in the studio for like four or five years and I didn’t know anything about the business. Now I know even if things don’t go quite so well for me this year, I can bring myself back up, because I know how to create a record, I know how to release a record, I know how to make a good video – those are the important things, the foundations. You’ve got to make sure you’re solid."