
Ting Tings don’t feel successful

The Ting Tings have admitted they never got a chance to enjoy their success because they were too busy trying to capitalise on it.

The Ting Tings have never felt successful.

The duo – made up of Katie White and Jules de Martino – first shot to fame with their infectious single ‘That’s Not My Name’ five years ago and despite their debut album ‘We Started Nothing’ being a huge hit, they say they never had time to enjoy their success.

Singer Katie said: "We never felt successful, because we always had to start from scratch in each territory. Just as ‘That’s Not My Name’ took off in one country, we’d move off to the next, so we never got the experience of being a huge success. We never heard our song on the radio! We totally missed our own success."

Their second album, ‘Sounds From Nowheresville’, has taken four-and-a-half years to make and Jules says it’s because they were determined to get it right and be proud of their work.

He said: "I like the way it’s taken nearly four years to produce around a half-hour album. What’s that, seven and a half minutes a year?

"We’ll write five songs, record them as demos, get them together, and in the process of that we come to like maybe a couple of them, and the others we delete. We delete them because otherwise we’d re-use the drum loop from one and bits from others, and end up with a Frankenstein monster. So we get rid of them. Then we write four more, scrap three of them, and eventually we get to ten, and that’s the album."