
Noel Gallagher to appear on Coldplay album?

Noel Gallagher has given Coldplay frontman Chris Martin a guitar loop he recorded during their BRIT Awards rehearsals and it could be set to be used on one of the band’s new songs.

Noel Gallagher is set to appear on the next Coldplay album.

The ‘Dream On’ hitmaker impressed Chris Martin with a sound loop he created as they rehearsed for their collaboration on ‘AKA… What a Life’ at the BRIT Awards on Tuesday (21.02.12) and now the musical sample looks likely to be used on one of the group’s new songs.

Coldplay’s roadie revealed on their blog: "Their tune kicks off and Chris is unsure quite how he’s going to fit his piano into the fearsome wall of sound. With a little work though, it all starts to come together.

"The piano is right next to Noel’s amps. As you’d expect, this is the place to be for getting the full effect of the Gallagher guitar. Noel stamps on a pedal and starts off a loop of glorious noise. Immediately Chris is on his feet and shouting, ‘What the hell is that?’

"Chris has his iPhone out to record it, excitedly proclaiming it the most amazing thing he’s ever heard. Noel is laughing as the pedal loops away through the stack. Fast forward to the dressing room on show day and Chris is handing me the pedal responsible for all the fuss. It turns out that Noel has come in and motioned Chris over to his dressing room next door with the words, ‘I’ve got a little present for you…’

"Chris is holding it with great reverence and excitement, ‘Can you record what’s in here immediately? And then give it Rik? We’re going to take it back to the studio and run it through Jonny’s rig and mic it up.’ The pedal is only the size of a block of butter, but I find myself carrying it through the backstage in both hands as though dropping it could send the whole place up in smoke.

"Where it’ll end up, I’ve no idea, but if it finds its way into a song, Noel could easily be playing on the next record without ever having set foot in the studio. Wonderful madness…"

As well as playing with Noel, Chris and his Coldplay bandmates opened the BRIT Awards at London’s The 02 with a performance of ‘Charlie Brown’.

Although they only played one song, it took as much work to build the stage as it would for a full concert for the band.

The blog post read: "From a crew perspective, the show was pretty full-on for under four minutes’ worth of TV. Huge pyro’, lasers, a huge ‘orb’ crammed with even more strobes, lasers and exploding stuff. Once the band jumped off the stage, the gear was strapped in and the whole stage flown into the roof above the heads of the diners below until the end of the show. Never a dull moment!"