
Demi Lovato’s track a cry for help

Demi Lovato admits recording her comeback single ‘Skyscraper’ was a "cry for help".

Demi Lovato admits ‘Skyscraper’ was a "cry for help".

The 19-year-old singer – who was admitted to rehab for three months in November 2010 to receive treatment for an eating disorder and self-harming – explained a "lot of emotion" went in to recording the ballad as it was a "very difficult" song to write.

She said: "It was a very difficult song for me to record. It was a cry for help for me. And I felt very raw when I recorded it. A lot of emotion went into this song."

Demi believes her problems stemmed from being a "workaholic", and she now listens to her body much more to ensure she gets plenty of sleep and eats well.

She added in an interview with the Daily Record newspaper: "Being a workaholic might have been the problem in the first place. I never stopped, I was like the energy bunny, I was going and going and going.

"No more of that. I am ready to lead a different life now. I listen to my body now, I eat better, I get my regular sleep. It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do. You feel so much better for it in the morning."