Pets Files

My Furry Valentine

There’s a saying that pets are nature’s way of saying you don’t have to ‘settle’ in your romantic relationship, so let us take a moment to praise our furry Valentines.

Whether you’re single or a couple, a pet is a big part of the family, and Valentine’s Day is a great day to acknowledge the huge daily heaping amounts of unconditional love your pet brings into your life.

There has been a great deal of research on how pets enhance our lives. From their wonderful greetings and comforting companionship, to their warm, furry unconditional love, and according to WebMD pets have a number of positive effects on human mental and physical health.

Mental health therapist

Pets are a natural antidote to depression since they’re always happy to see you. Who else gives you that type of joyful greeting? Whether you’ve been away from home for five minutes or five hours, they are always happy to see you. In this way, your pet is a natural mood enhancer, reducing your overall anxiety and stress. Does your dog have a special greeting ritual?

Dogs and cats are also excellent listeners and have a calming effect when you pet them. Also, taking care of them helps you stick to a routine and take better care of yourself.

It’s almost impossible to isolate yourself or become a hermit when you have a dog. Daily walks mean interacting regularly with your neighbours, their kids, and other dog walkers.

Better physical health

Within 15 to 30 minutes of spending time with a dog or cat or watching fish swim, your body actually goes through physical changes. Cortisol levels associated with stress drop while serotonin levels associated with a sense of well-being increase.

Having a pet can also help you manage your blood pressure. Studies show that pet owners have lower heart rates – both at rest and when active – than non-pet owners.

Thanks to daily walks, dog owners naturally tend to be more physically active and in better physical shape. And since walking is a weight-bearing exercise, pets help you maintain strong bones and fight osteoporosis as you age.

Build your immune system

Kids who grow up with a cat or a dog are actually less likely to develop allergies. Animals help children build their immune system, such that cats have been linked to a reduced risk of asthma for children.

I <3 (heart) cats and dogs

Cats and dogs are also good for your heart since pet owners have a lower risk of dying from heart disease and heart failure. One long-term study found that people who had never owned a cat were 40 percent more likely to die of heart attack. Another study found dog owners had significantly better survival rates one year after a heart attack.

Researchers discovered that cat owners suffer from fewer strokes. Although they’re not sure why, the assumption is that the calming effect of owning a pet improves circulation.

So, this Valentine’s Day, in gratitude for all they do for us, take a moment to lavish some attention on your darling furry Valentine – and feel the love.