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Pope Francis authorizes the blessing of same-sex couples in a shocking decision

Pope Francis has approved a document that will allow priests to bless same-sex partners, the BBC reports.

This is a historic decision for the Roman Catholic Church!

The document recently approved by the Vatican specifies that if blessings of this nature are permitted, they must not be confused with or included in the usual ecclesiastical rituals. Nor should they be celebrated at the same time as civil union ceremonies. This careful wording is intended to differentiate blessings from the sacrament of marriage. Marriage, as understood by the Church, remains a lifelong union between a man and a woman.

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The decision is part of Pope Francis’ efforts to reach out to and include LGBTQ+ Catholics.

It represents a reversal of the Vatican’s previous position, affirmed by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2021.

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Church conservatives are firmly opposed to the Pope’s inclusion efforts, needless to say…