
Mitch Winehouse shocked at unqualified coroner

Amy Winehouse’s father Mitch admits he was "very shocked" when he found out the coroner who investigated his daughter’s death last year was not fully qualified.

Mitch Winehouse was "very shocked" when he found out the coroner at the death of his daughter Amy was not fully qualified.

Suzanne Greenaway did not meet the required criteria when she was appointed to the post of assistant deputy coroner by her husband Dr. Andrew Reid last year and resigned from the post a month after recording the ‘Rehab’ singer’s death as misadventure.

Dr. Reid admitted he had made an error by appointing his wife but was confident she had handled the inquests appropriately.

Mitch told The Sun newspaper: "We were very shocked when we were informed the coroner was not suitably qualified.

"It’s hard to believe her credentials weren’t fully checked. You’d assume this sort of thing can’t happen.

"We’ve been informed the coroner was taking guidance from more experienced professionals and the verdict doesn’t appear to be in any doubt, but it’s upsetting to have to go through all this again. We just hope that matters can be resolved soon."

The Office for Judicial Complaints is currently investigating both Dr. Reid and Suzanne, as coroners can only be appointed if they have been in the Law Society as a solicitor for five years; Suzanne had only joined two-and-a-half years go.

However, Mitch – who raised Amy with his now ex-wife Janis – appeared to be calmed about the situation yesterday (01.02.12).

He tweeted: "Don’t worry about coroner nonsense. We are all ok. Mitch (sic)"